Friday, May 20, 2016

Service Learning

Interesting I didn't realize I knew and had learned so much about blogging until our service learning group came together to discuss our findings. I thought 8 different blogging platforms would be near impossible but we had a list that was much longer. It was nice to put a lot of our knowledge on one site for others to access. I wonder how others will be able to locate it. Will it come up in a Google Search? hmmm...

My favorite experiences with blogging is Feedly. I love hearing about other peoples stories or guidance on topics that interest me. I don't have to pay to read them (unlike most books) and they are a super short read. Seriously so glad I discovered Feedly.

Difficulty with student blogging. I am trying to make student blogging safe so I approve anything my students post or comments others post before making them public. I am now wondering if I want to do that again next year. It is hard for me to go through and make each post public. I am greatly slacking in this and it is creating extra work for me. I think for now the district likes the security of the teacher approving everything but I hope once more students in the district start classroom blogging they will become more flexible with this.  I feel bad saying that because I am trying to make my job safer not thinking about student safety but I feel like if students posted something they are not supposed to the other students will read it and tattle on them immediately (like always).

#blogging #classblog

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