Tuesday, May 10, 2016


One of the readings this week Champions of Children's Privacy discussed how we should allow kiddos to make a decision on their identity not base it on collecting their private information to target them and provide them with ads. Some schools are making it so students can't use google because they don't want the students to go to forums where their data and information is collected. I don't agree with not allowing the students to go to these sites. I strongly feel that if you educate students about them collecting information and you tell them the causes and what they do with the information and they still chose to go to the web pages that is completely their decision. We should educate students on how to use the internet safely not prevent them from using it. Students should make an informed decision about their identity. I understand how website collecting information can effect these form decisions but I think we need to educate them on that. Just because a ton of rehab and drug addiction sites come to my email and have advertisement popping up doesn't mean I need to go to a rehab. The internet only knows a part of my identity and it confused me owning coffee stands named Addicted with thinking I have an Addiction. I still know who I really am and I was still capable of creating my own identify. We should teach our kiddos how to utilize their online identity. I think the technology teachers in our school should instruct the students how to create a positive identity for themselves.

Personally, I like the fact that I have ads popping up of things I like and that I am interested in I have found a lot of interesting stuff this way. Sometime it makes it really tempting for me to buy items that I can't afford but it taunts me by consistently throwing it in my face. Like most things it has its benefits and drawbacks. #teched

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