Monday, May 23, 2016

Not only my classroom

When I learn a new skill in our class the first thing I can think of is how to bring it into my classroom what things do I want to try the most what things will benefit my students the most. My students get so excited when I show them a new application and they get time to start implementing it. Many of these things seem to be benefiting my students, engaging them, and teaching them new skills.

It takes a while for me to realize that a lot of these skills and applications I can use to benefit my self as well. I have been implementing technology to help with my business and using social media to display specials of the day, getting to know baristas, networking to find private recycle companies to help me and I have been using blogging and twitter to help me expand my knowledge about the coffee industry. It is sad that it too me this long to find out about all of this free knowledge already out there but I am so glad that I am expanding my knowledge in many ways. My employees are so happy about me creating a website where we can access all of our documents in one place and refer to them whenever we want. For the first time scheduling and shift trading is all done online, inventory is done on google docs and such much more. I spend a solid half hour a week just brainstorming ways technology can help me and my business expand and I am glad this class has helped me open my mind to all of these possibilities.

Thank you #teched

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