Saturday, April 30, 2016

Inquiry Group: Blogging

So far the big questions in my group is about parent permission and school permission. All four of us in the blog inquiry group wanted our classrooms to jump in and start a classroom blog and do a quad blog (I just learned what a quad blog is, pretty much four classrooms blog together read each others blogs and provide comments etc.). Problem is not all of our principals feel comfortable having students on a classroom blogging site. My purpose for wanting to have a classroom blog is to give my students a new audience to share their work with and to get them excited to show their work. I want them to start with bi-weekly book reports and take off from there. I know this wouldn't be ideal for all my 2nd graders but I can think of 12 of them that would be in love with this. All four of us teachers work in the same school district so you would think we all would have the same policy on classroom blogs but some are more conservative then others.

My principal seemed to like the idea I promised no student pictures that could identify them and no last names and I wouldn't use any city or state information. She wanted me to send her the link to our blogs when they were up and running so she could stay up to date. Additionally, she asked for some example blogs so she knew what to expect. I thought this was a good supportive response from her.

I have been learning so much about blogging. I just learned how to add my twitter post to a live feed on the side panel of my blog. I learned how to do a blog roll. I created two different blog accounts one on blogger and one on Wordpress. It has been nice to compare them both. I like looking at other peoples blogs to get ideas on how to lay my blog out.

I like finding bloggers who have similar interest as me to follow. I use feedly to add my favorite bloggers and stay up to date. Although I am having a very hard time keeping up to date with them I feel like this summer will be a good time to get updated on all my wonderful blogging colleagues.
#inquiryblog #bloglife

1 comment:

  1. Change takes time and I'm really impressed with what the four of you are doing together. Great that you're finding people to track in Feedly. I never think about trying to "keep up" with the library, and I've learned to feel the same way about Feedly. Anytime I go there, there will be great things to learn, I've learned which feeds I want to watch more closely than others, and I've learned which to only check once in awhile. You're doing great work!
